Old Testament

New Testament

Psalm 39:3-12 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

3. My heart was deeply troubled. As I thought about what was happening to me, I became even more troubled. Then I spoke out.

4. I said, "Lord, show me when my life will end. Show me how many days I have left. Tell me how short my life will be.

5. You have given me only a few days to live. My whole life doesn't seem like anything to you. No man's life lasts any longer than a breath. Selah

6. People are only shadows as they go here and there. They rush around, but it doesn't mean anything. They pile up wealth, but they don't know who will get it.

7. "Lord, what can I look forward to now? You are the only hope I have.

8. Save me from all the wrong things I've done. Don't let foolish people make fun of me.

9. I keep silent. I don't open my mouth. You are the one who has caused all of this to happen.

10. Please stop beating me. I'm about to die from the blows of your hand.

11. You correct and punish people for their sin. Just as a moth eats cloth, you destroy their wealth. No one's life lasts any longer than a breath. Selah

12. "Lord, hear my prayer. Listen to my cry for help. Pay attention to my sobbing. I'm like a guest in your home. I'm only a visitor, like all of my family who lived before me.

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