Old Testament

New Testament

Psalm 37:26-36 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

26. The godly are always giving and lending freely. Their children will be blessed.

27. Turn away from evil and do good. Then you will live in the land forever.

28. The Lord loves those who are honest. He will not desert those who are faithful to him. They will be kept safe forever. But the children of sinners will be cut off from the land.

29. Those who do what is right will be given the land. They will live in it forever.

30. The mouths of those who do what is right speak words of wisdom. They say what is honest.

31. God's law is in their hearts. Their feet do not slip.

32. Those who are evil hide and wait for godly people. They are trying to kill them.

33. But the Lord will not leave the godly in their power. He will not let them be found guilty when they are brought into court.

34. Wait for the Lord to act. Live as he wants you to. He will honor you by giving you the land. When sinners are cut off from it, you will see it.

35. I saw a mean and sinful person. He was doing well, like a green tree in its own soil.

36. But he soon passed away and was gone. Even though I looked for him, I couldn't find him.

Read complete chapter Psalm 37