Old Testament

New Testament

Psalm 147:11-19 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

11. The Lord takes delight in those who have respect for him. They put their hope in his faithful love.

12. Jerusalem , praise the Lord. Zion , praise your God.

13. He makes the bars of your gates stronger. He blesses the people who live inside you.

14. He keeps your borders safe and secure. He satisfies you with the finest wheat.

15. He sends his command to the earth. His word arrives there quickly.

16. He spreads the snow like wool. He scatters the frost like ashes.

17. He throws down his hail like small stones. No one can stand his icy blast.

18. He gives his command, and the ice melts. He stirs up his winds, and the waters flow.

19. He has made his word known to the people of Jacob. He has made his laws and rules known to Israel.

Read complete chapter Psalm 147