Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 28:14-27 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

14. Blessed is the one who always has respect for the Lord. But anyone who is stubborn will get into trouble.

15. An evil person who rules over helpless people is like a roaring lion or an angry bear.

16. A ruler who is mean to his people doesn't have any sense. But anyone who hates money gained in the wrong way will enjoy a long life.

17. A man who is troubled because he is guilty of murder will be on the run until the day he dies. No one should give him any help.

18. Anyone who lives without blame is kept safe. But anyone whose path is crooked will suddenly fall.

19. Anyone who farms his land will have plenty of food. But anyone who chases dreams will be very poor.

20. A faithful man will be richly blessed. But anyone who wants to get rich will be punished.

21. Favoring one person over another is not good. But some men will do wrong for a piece of bread.

22. A man who won't share what he has wants to get rich. He doesn't know he is going to be poor.

23. It is better to warn a man than to pretend to praise him. In the end he will be more pleased with you.

24. Anyone who steals from his parents and says, "It's not wrong," is just like a man who destroys.

25. A person who always wants more stirs up fights. But anyone who trusts in the Lord will succeed.

26. Anyone who trusts in himself is foolish. But a person who lives wisely is kept safe.

27. Those who give to poor people will have everything they need. But those who close their eyes to the poor will be under many curses.

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