Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 14:17-29 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

17. Anyone who gets angry quickly does foolish things. And a man who is tricky is hated.

18. Childish people act in keeping with their foolish ways. But knowledge makes wise people feel like kings.

19. Evil people will bow down in front of good people. And those who do wrong will bow down at the gates of those who do right.

20. Poor people are avoided even by their neighbors. But rich people have many friends.

21. Anyone who hates his neighbor commits sin. But blessed is the person who is kind to those in need.

22. Those who plan evil go down the wrong path. But those who plan good find love and truth.

23. All hard work pays off. But if all you do is talk, you will be poor.

24. The wealth of wise people is their crown. But the foolish ways of foolish people lead to what is foolish.

25. An honest witness saves lives. But a dishonest witness tells lies.

26. Anyone who shows respect for the Lord has a strong tower. It will be a safe place for his children.

27. Respect for the Lord is like a fountain that gives life. It turns you away from the jaws of death.

28. A large population is a king's glory. But a prince without followers is destroyed.

29. Anyone who is patient has great understanding. But anyone who gets angry quickly shows how foolish he is.

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