Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 21:8-26 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

8. The Lord said to Moses, "Make a snake. Put it up on a pole. Then anyone who is bitten can look at it and remain alive."

9. So Moses made a bronze snake. He put it up on a pole. Then anyone who was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake remained alive.

10. The people of Israel moved on. They camped at Oboth.

11. Then they started out from Oboth. They camped in Iye Abarim. It's in the desert on the eastern border of Moab.

12. From there they moved on. They camped in the Zered Valley.

13. They started out from there and camped by the Arnon River. It's in the desert that spreads out into the territory of the Amorites. The Arnon is the border of Moab. It's between Moab and the Amorites.

14. Here is what the Book of the Wars of the Lord says about it. It says, "Sing about Waheb in Suphah and the valleys. Sing about the Arnon

15. and the slopes of the valleys. They lead to the place called Ar. They lie along the border of Moab."

16. From there the people of Israel continued on to Beer. That was the well where the Lord spoke to Moses. He said, "Gather the people together. I will give them water to drink."

17. Then Israel sang a song. They said, "Spring up, you well! Sing about it.

18. Sing about the well the princes dug. Sing about the well the nobles of the people dug. All of their rulers were holding their rods and staffs." Then the people of Israel went from the desert to Mattanah.

19. They went from Mattanah to Nahaliel. They went from Nahaliel to Bamoth.

20. And they went from Bamoth to a valley in Moab. It's the valley where the highest slopes of Pisgah look out over a dry and empty land.

21. The people of Israel sent messengers to speak to Sihon. He was the king of the Amorites. The messengers said to him,

22. "Let us pass through your country. We won't go off the road into any field or vineyard. We won't drink water from any well. We'll travel along the king's highway. We'll just go straight through your territory."

23. But Sihon wouldn't let Israel pass through his territory. He gathered his whole army together. Then he marched out into the desert against Israel. When he reached Jahaz, he fought against Israel.

24. But Israel put him to death with their swords. They took over his land. They took everything from the Arnon River to the Jabbok River. But they didn't take over any of the land of the Ammonites. That's because the Ammonites had built strong forts along their border.

25. The people of Israel captured all of the cities of the Amorites. Then they settled down in them. They captured the city of Heshbon. They also captured all of the settlements that were around it.

26. Sihon, the king of the Amorites, ruled in Heshbon. He had fought against an earlier king of Moab. Sihon had taken from him all of his land all the way to the Arnon River.

Read complete chapter Numbers 21