Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 10:1-11 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

1. The Lord spoke to Moses. He said,

2. "Make two trumpets out of hammered silver. Blow them when you want the community to gather together. And blow them when you want the camps to start out.

3. When both trumpets are blown, the whole community must gather in front of you. They must come to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

4. Suppose only one trumpet is blown. Then the leaders must gather in front of you. They are the heads of the tribes of Israel.

5. When a trumpet blast is blown, the tribes that are camped on the east side must start out.

6. When the second blast is blown, the camps on the south side must start out. The blast will tell them when to start.

7. Blow the trumpets to gather the people together. But do not use the same kind of blast.

8. "The sons of Aaron, the priests, must blow the trumpets. That is a law for you and your children after you for all time to come.

9. Suppose you go into battle in your own land. And suppose it is against an enemy who is beating you down. Then blow a blast on the trumpets. If you do, I will remember you. I will save you from your enemies. I am the Lord your God.

10. You must also blow the trumpets when you are happy. Blow them at your appointed feasts. Blow them at your New Moon Feasts. Blow them when you sacrifice your burnt offerings. Blow them when you sacrifice your friendship offerings. They will remind me of you. I am the Lord your God."

11. It was the 20th day of the second month of the second year. On that day the cloud began to move. It went up from above the holy tent where the tablets of the covenant were kept.

Read complete chapter Numbers 10