Old Testament

New Testament

Job 5:1-9 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

1. Eliphaz continued, "Call out if you want to, Job. But who will answer you? Which one of the holy angels will you turn to?

2. Anger kills foolish people. Jealousy destroys those who are childish.

3. I saw that foolish people were having success. But suddenly a curse came down on their houses.

4. Their children aren't safe at all. They lose their case in court. No one speaks up for them.

5. Hungry people eat up the crops of those who are foolish. They even take the food that grows among thorns. Thirsty people long for the wealth of the foolish.

6. Hard times don't just grow out of the soil. Trouble doesn't jump out of the ground.

7. People are born to have trouble. And that's just as sure as sparks fly up.

8. "If I were you, I'd make my appeal to God. I'd bring my case to be judged by him.

9. He does wonderful things that can't be understood. He does miracles that can't even be counted.

Read complete chapter Job 5