Old Testament

New Testament

Job 4:9-21 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

9. The breath of God destroys them. The blast of his anger wipes them out.

10. Powerful lions might roar and growl. But their teeth are broken.

11. Lions die because they don't have any food. Then their cubs are scattered.

12. "A message came to me in secret. It was as quiet as a whisper.

13. I had a scary dream one night. I was sound asleep.

14. Fear and trembling grabbed hold of me. That made every bone in my body shake.

15. A spirit glided past my face. The hair on my body stood on end.

16. Then the spirit stopped. But I couldn't tell what it was. Something stood there in front of me. I heard a soft voice.

17. It said, 'Can a human being be more right than God? Can a mere man be more pure than the One who made him?

18. God doesn't trust those who serve him. He even brings charges against his angels.

19. So he'll certainly find fault with human beings. After all, they are made out of dust. They can be crushed more easily than a moth.

20. Between sunrise and sunset they are broken to pieces. Nobody even notices. They disappear forever.

21. Like a tent that falls down, they get weak. They die because they didn't follow God's wisdom.' "

Read complete chapter Job 4