Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 57:14-18 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

14. A messenger says, "Build up the road! Build it up! Get it ready! Remove anything that would keep my people from coming back."

15. The One who is highly honored lives forever. His name is holy. He says, "I live in a high and holy place. But I also live with anyone who turns away from his sins. I live with anyone who is not proud. I give new life to him. I give it to anyone who turns away from his sins.

16. I will not find fault with my people forever. I will not always be angry with them. If I were, I would cause their spirits to grow weak. The very breath of life would go out of the people I created.

17. I was very angry with them. They always longed for more and more of everything. So I punished them for that sin. I turned my face away from them because I was angry. But they kept on wanting their own way.

18. I have seen what they have done. But I will heal them. I will guide them. And I will comfort them just as I did before.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 57