Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 40:5-16 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

5. Then the glory of the Lord will appear. And everyone will see it. The Lord has spoken."

6. Another messenger says, "Cry out." And I said, "What should I cry?" "Cry out, 'All people are like grass. They don't last any longer than flowers in the field.

7. The grass dries up. The flowers fall to the ground. That happens when the Lord makes his wind blow on them. So people are just like grass.

8. The grass dries up. The flowers fall to the ground. But what our God says will stand forever.' "

9. Zion , you are bringing good news to your people. Go up on a high mountain and announce it. Jerusalem , you are bringing good news to them. Shout the message loudly. Shout it out loud. Don't be afraid. Say to the towns of Judah, "Your God is coming!"

10. The Lord and King is coming with power. His powerful arm will rule for him. He has set his people free. He is bringing them back as his reward. He has won the battle over their enemies.

11. He takes care of his flock like a shepherd. He gathers the lambs in his arms. He carries them close to his heart. He gently leads those that have little ones.

12. Who has measured the oceans by using the palm of his hand? Who has used the width of his hand to mark off the sky? Who has measured out the dust of the earth in a basket? Who has weighed the mountains on scales? Who has weighed the hills in a balance?

13. Who can ever understand what is in the Lord's mind? Who can ever give him advice?

14. Did the Lord have to ask anyone to help him understand? Did he have to ask someone to teach him the right way? Who taught him what he knows? Who showed him how to understand?

15. The nations are only a drop in a bucket to him. He considers them as nothing but dust on the scales. He weighs the islands as if they were only fine dust.

16. Lebanon doesn't have enough trees to keep his altar fires burning. It doesn't have enough animals to sacrifice as burnt offerings to him.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 40