Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 24:1-13 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

1. The Lord is going to completely destroy everything on earth. He will twist its surface. He'll scatter those who live on it.

2. Priests and people alike will suffer. So will masters and their servants. And so will women and their female servants. Sellers and buyers alike will suffer. So will those who borrow and those who lend. And so will those who owe money and those who lend it.

3. The earth will be completely destroyed. Everything of value will be taken out of it. That's what the Lord has said.

4. The earth will dry up completely. The world will dry up and waste away. The most important people on earth will fade away.

5. The earth is polluted by its people. They haven't obeyed the laws of the Lord. They haven't done what he told them to do. They've broken the covenant that will last forever.

6. So the Lord will send a curse on the earth. Its people will pay for what they've done. They will be burned up. Very few of them will be left.

7. The vines and fresh wine will dry up completely. Those who used to have a good time will groan.

8. The happy sounds of tambourines will be gone. The noise of those who enjoy wild parties will stop. The joyful music of harps will become silent.

9. People will no longer sing as they drink wine. Beer will taste bitter to those who drink it.

10. Destroyed cities will lie empty. People will lock themselves inside their houses.

11. In the streets people will cry out for wine. All joy will turn into sadness. All happiness will be driven out of the earth.

12. All of the buildings will be knocked down. Every city gate will be smashed to pieces.

13. That's how it will be on the earth. And that's how it will be among the nations. It will be as when workers knock all but a few olives off the trees. It will be like a vine that has only a few grapes left after the harvest.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 24