Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 23:6-16 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

6. People of the island of Tyre, cry out! Go across the sea to Tarshish.

7. Just look at Tyre. It's no longer the old, old city that was known for its wild parties. It no longer sends its people out to settle in lands far away.

8. Tyre was a city that produced kings. Its traders were princes. They were honored all over the earth. So who planned to destroy such a city?

9. The Lord who rules over all planned to do it. He wanted to bring down all of its pride and glory. He wanted to put to shame those who were honored all over the earth.

10. People of Tarshish, spread out over your land like the waters of the Nile. There isn't anything to hold you back anymore.

11. The Lord has reached his powerful hand out over the sea. He has made its kingdoms tremble with fear. He has given a command concerning Phoenicia. He has ordered that its forts be destroyed.

12. He said, "No more wild parties for you! People of Sidon, you are now destroyed! "Leave your city. Go across the sea to Cyprus. Even there you will not find any rest."

13. Look at the land of the Babylonians. No one lives there anymore. The Assyrians have turned it into a place for desert creatures. They built their towers in order to attack it. They took everything out of its forts. They knocked all of its buildings down.

14. Men in the ships of Tarshish, cry out! Mighty Tyre is destroyed!

15. A time is coming when people will forget about Tyre for 70 years. That's the length of a king's life. But at the end of those 70 years, Tyre will be like the prostitute that people sing about. They say,

16. "Forgotten prostitute, pick up a harp. Walk through the city. Play the harp well. Sing many songs. Then you will be remembered."

Read complete chapter Isaiah 23