Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 14:19-31 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

19. But you have been thrown out of your tomb. You are like a branch that is cut off and thrown away. You are covered with the bodies of those who have been killed with swords. You have been tossed into a stony pit along with them. You are like a dead body that people have walked on.

20. You won't be buried like other kings. That's because you have destroyed your land. You have killed your people. "The children of that evil man will be killed. None of them will be left to carry on the family name.

21. So prepare a place to kill his children. Kill them because of the sins of the rulers who lived before them. They must not rise to power. They must not rule over the world. They must not cover the earth with their cities."

22. "I will rise up against them," announces the Lord who rules over all. "I will destroy Babylon. It will not be remembered anymore. No one will be left alive there. I will destroy its people and their children after them," announces the Lord.

23. "I will turn it into a place where nothing but owls can live. I will turn it into a swamp. I will sweep through it like a broom and destroy everything," announces the Lord who rules over all.

24. The Lord who rules over all has taken an oath. He has said, "You can be sure that what I have planned will happen. What I have decided will take place.

25. I will crush the Assyrians in my land. On my mountains I will walk all over them. The yokes they put on my people will be removed. The heavy load they put on their shoulders will be taken away."

26. That's how the Lord carries out his plan all over the world. That's how he reaches out his powerful hand to punish all of the nations.

27. The Lord who rules over all has planned it. Who can stop him? He has reached out his powerful hand. Who can keep him from using it?

28. A message came to me from the Lord in the year King Ahaz died. The Lord said,

29. "The rod of Assyria has struck all of you Philistines. But do not be glad that it is broken. That rod is like a snake that will produce an even more poisonous snake. It will produce a darting, poisonous serpent.

30. Even the poorest people in Israel will have plenty to eat. Those who are in need will lie down in safety. But I will destroy your families. They will die of hunger. I will kill any of them who are still left alive.

31. "Cities of Philistia, cry out for help! Scream in pain! All of you Philistines, melt away in fear! An army is coming from the north in a cloud of dust. No one in its ranks is falling behind.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 14