Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 14:1-18 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

1. The Lord will show tender love toward Jacob's people. Once again he will choose Israel. He'll settle them in their own land. Outsiders will join them. They and the people of Jacob will become one people.

2. Nations will help Israel return to their own land. People from other nations will belong to Israel. They will serve them as male and female servants in the Lord's land. The Israelites will make prisoners of those who had held them as prisoners. They will rule over those who had crushed them.

3. The Lord will put an end to Israel's suffering and trouble. They won't be slaves anymore.

4. They will make fun of the king of Babylonia. They will say, "See how the one who crushed others has fallen! See how his anger has come to an end!

5. The Lord has taken away the authority of evil people. He has broken the power of rulers.

6. When they became angry, they struck nations down. Their blows never stopped. In their anger they brought nations under their control. They attacked them again and again.

7. All of the lands now enjoy peace and rest. They break out into singing.

8. Even the pine trees are glad. The cedar trees of Lebanon are happy too. They say, 'Babylon, you have fallen. Now no one comes and cuts us down.'

9. "King of Babylonia, many people in the grave are really excited about meeting you when you go down there. The spirits of the dead get up to welcome you. At one time all of them were leaders in the world. They were kings over the nations. They get up from their thrones.

10. All of them call out to you. They say, 'You have become weak, just as we are. You have become like us.'

11. Your grand show of power has been brought down to the grave. The noise of your harps has come down here along with your power. Maggots are spread out under you. Worms cover you.

12. "King of Babylonia, you thought you were the bright morning star. But now you have fallen from heaven! You once brought nations down. But now you have been thrown down to the earth!

13. You said in your heart, 'I will go up to heaven. I'll raise my throne above the stars of God. I'll sit as king on the mountain where the gods meet. I'll set up my throne on the highest slopes of the sacred mountain.

14. I will rise above the tops of the clouds. I'll make myself like the Most High God.'

15. But now you have been brought down to the grave. You have been thrown into the deepest part of the pit.

16. "Those who see you stare at you. They think about what has happened to you. They say to themselves, 'Is this the man who shook the earth? Is he the one who made kingdoms tremble with fear?

17. Did he turn the world into a desert? Did he destroy its cities? Did he refuse to let his prisoners go home?'

18. "All of the kings of the nations are buried with honor. Each of them lies in his own tomb.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 14