Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 1:12-26 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

12. Who asked you to bring all of those animals when you come to worship me? Who asked you and your animals to walk all over my courtyards?

13. Stop bringing offerings that do not mean anything to me! I hate your incense. I can't stand your evil gatherings. I can't stand the way you celebrate your New Moon Feasts, Sabbath days and special services.

14. I hate your New Moon Feasts and your other appointed feasts. They have become a heavy load to me. I am tired of carrying it.

15. You might spread out your hands toward me when you pray. But I will not look at you. You might even offer many prayers. But I will not listen to them. Your hands are covered with the blood of the people you have murdered.

16. So wash your hands. Make yourselves clean. Get your evil actions out of my sight! Stop doing what is wrong!

17. Learn to do what is right! Treat people fairly. Give hope to those who are beaten down. Cheer them up. Stand up in court for children whose fathers have died. And do the same thing for widows.

18. "Come. Let us talk some more about this matter," says the Lord. "Even though your sins are bright red, they will be as white as snow. Even though they are deep red, they will be white like wool.

19. But you have to be willing to change and obey me. If you are, you will eat the best food that grows on the land.

20. You must follow me. You must obey me. If you do not, you will be killed with swords." The Lord has spoken.

21. See how the faithful city of Jerusalem has become like a prostitute! Once it was full of people who treated others fairly. Those who did what was right used to live in it. But now murderers live there!

22. Jerusalem , your silver isn't pure anymore. Your best wine has been made weak with water.

23. Your rulers refuse to obey the Lord. They are companions of robbers. All of them love to accept money from those who want special favors. They are always looking for gifts from other people. They don't stand up in court for children whose fathers have died. They don't do it for widows either.

24. The Lord is the Mighty One of Israel. The Lord who rules over all announces, "Israel, you have become my enemies. I will pay you back for what you have done. Then you will not trouble me anymore.

25. I will turn my powerful hand against you. I will make you completely clean. I will remove everything that is not pure.

26. I will give judges to you like the ones you had long ago. I will give you advisers like those you had at the beginning. Then you will be called The City That Does What Is Right. You will also be called The Faithful City."

Read complete chapter Isaiah 1