Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 1:1-10 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

1. Here is the vision about Judah and Jerusalem that Isaiah had. It came to him when Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah were ruling. They were kings of Judah. Isaiah was the son of Amoz.

2. Listen to me, heavens! Pay attention to me, earth! The Lord has said, "I raised children. I brought them up. But they have refused to obey me.

3. The ox knows its master. The donkey knows where its owner feeds it. But Israel does not know me. My people do not understand me."

4. They are a sinful nation. They are loaded down with guilt. They are people who do nothing but evil. They are children who are always sinning. They have deserted the Lord. They have turned against the Holy One of Israel. They have turned their backs on him.

5. Israel , why do you want to be beaten all the time? Why do you always refuse to obey the Lord? Your head is covered with wounds. Your whole heart is weak.

6. There isn't a healthy spot on your body from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. There are only wounds, cuts and open sores. They haven't been cleaned up or bandaged or treated with olive oil.

7. Your country has been deserted. Your cities have been burned down. The food from your fields is being eaten up by outsiders. They are doing it right in front of you. Your land has been completely destroyed. It looks as if strangers have taken it over.

8. The city of Zion is left like a hut where someone stands guard in a vineyard. It is left like an empty cabin in a melon field. It's like a city that is being attacked.

9. The Lord who rules over all has let some people live through that time of trouble. If he hadn't, we would have become like Sodom. We would have been like Gomorrah.

10. Rulers of Sodom, hear the Lord's message. People of Gomorrah, listen to the law of our God.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 1