Old Testament

New Testament

Genesis 30:21-36 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

21. Some time later she had a daughter. She named her Dinah.

22. Then God listened to Rachel. He showed concern for her. He made it possible for her to have children.

23. She became pregnant. She had a son. She said, "God has taken my shame away."

24. She continued, "May the Lord give me another son." So she named him Joseph.

25. After Rachel had Joseph, Jacob spoke to Laban. He said, "Send me on my way. I want to go back to my own home and country.

26. Give me my wives and children. I worked for you to get them. So I'll be on my way. You know how much work I've done for you."

27. But Laban said to him, "If you are pleased with me, stay here. I've discovered that the Lord has blessed me because of you."

28. He continued, "Name your pay. I'll give it to you."

29. Jacob said to him, "You know how hard I've worked for you. You know that your livestock has done better under my care.

30. You had only a little before I came. But that little has become a lot. The Lord has blessed you everywhere I've been. But when can I do something for my own family?"

31. "What should I give you?" Laban asked. "Don't give me anything," Jacob replied. "Just do one thing for me. Then I'll go on taking care of your flocks and watching over them.

32. "Let me go through all of your flocks today. Let me remove every sheep that has speckles or spots on it. Let me remove every dark-colored lamb. Let me remove every goat that has spots or speckles on it. They will be my pay.

33. "My honesty will give witness about me in days to come. It will give witness every time you check on what you have paid me. Suppose I have a goat that doesn't have speckles or spots. Or suppose I have a lamb that isn't dark-colored. Then it will be considered stolen."

34. "I agree," said Laban. "Let's do what you have said."

35. That same day Laban removed all of the male goats that had stripes or spots. He removed all of the female goats that had speckles or spots. They were the ones that had white on them. He also removed all of the dark-colored lambs. He had his sons take care of them.

36. Then he put a journey of three days between himself and Jacob. But Jacob continued to take care of the rest of Laban's flocks.

Read complete chapter Genesis 30