Old Testament

New Testament

Ezekiel 28:15-25 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

15. Your conduct was without blame from the day you were created. But soon you began to sin.

16. You traded with many nations. You harmed people everywhere. And you sinned. So I sent you away from my mountain in shame. Guardian cherub, I drove you away from among the gleaming jewels.

17. You thought you were so handsome that it made your heart proud. You thought you were so glorious that it spoiled your wisdom. So I threw you down to the earth. I made an example out of you in front of kings.

18. Your many sins and dishonest trade polluted your temple. So I made you go up in flames. I turned you into nothing but ashes on the ground. I let everyone see it.

19. All of the nations that knew you are shocked because of what happened to you. You have come to a horrible end. And you will be gone forever." ' "

20. A message came to me from the Lord. He said,

21. "Son of man, turn your attention to the city of Sidon. Prophesy against it.

22. Say, 'The Lord and King says, " ' "Sidon, I am against your people. I will gain glory for myself inside your city walls. I will punish your people. I will show that I am holy among them. Then they will know that I am the Lord.

23. I will send a plague on them. I will make blood flow in your streets. Those who are killed will fall inside you. Swords will strike your people on every side. Then they will know that I am the Lord.

24. " ' "The people of Israel will no longer have neighbors who hate them. Those neighbors will not be like sharp and painful thorns anymore. Then Israel will know that I am the Lord and King." ' "

25. The Lord and King says, "I will gather the people of Israel together from the nations where they have been scattered. I will show that I am holy among them. I will let the nations see it. Then Israel will live in their own land. I gave it to my servant Jacob.

Read complete chapter Ezekiel 28