Old Testament

New Testament

Ezekiel 22:8-17 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

8. " ' "You have looked down on the holy things that were set apart to me. You have misused my Sabbath days.

9. You have spread lies about others so you can spill someone's blood. You eat at the mountain temples. You commit impure acts.

10. " ' "You bring shame on your fathers by having sex with their wives. You have sex with women during their monthly period. That is when they are 'unclean.'

11. One of you has sex with another man's wife. I hate that sin. Another brings shame on his daughter-in-law by having sex with her. Still another has sex with his sister, even though she is his own father's daughter.

12. " ' "You accept money from people who want special favors. You do it to spill someone's blood. You charge too much interest when you lend money. You get rich by cheating your neighbors. And you have forgotten me," announces the Lord and King.

13. " ' "I will clap my hands because I am so angry. You got rich by cheating others. You spilled blood inside the walls of your city.

14. Will you be brave on the day I deal with you? Will you be strong at that time? I have spoken. I will do it. I am the Lord.

15. " ' "I will scatter you among the nations. I will send you to other countries. I will put an end to your 'uncleanness.'

16. You will be polluted in the sight of the nations. Then you will know that I am the Lord." ' "

17. A message came to me from the Lord. He said,

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