Old Testament

New Testament

Exodus 35:1-15 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

1. Moses gathered the whole community of Israel together. He said to them, "Here are the things the Lord has commanded you to do.

2. You must do your work in six days. But the seventh day will be your holy day. It will be a Sabbath in the Lord's honor. You must rest on it. Anyone who does any work on it must be put to death.

3. Do not even light a fire in any of your homes on the Sabbath day."

4. Moses spoke to the whole community of Israel. He said, "Here is what the Lord has commanded.

5. Take an offering for the Lord from what you have. Those who want to can bring an offering to the Lord. Here is what they can bring. "gold, silver and bronze

6. blue, purple and bright red yarn and fine linen goat hair

7. ram skins that are dyed red the hides of sea cows acacia wood

8. olive oil for the lights spices for the anointing oil and for the sweet-smelling incense

9. onyx stones and other jewels for the linen apron and the chest cloth

10. "All of the skilled workers among you must come. They must make everything the Lord has commanded

11. for the holy tent and its covering. Here is what they must make. "hooks frames crossbars posts bases

12. the ark of the covenant the poles and cover for the ark the curtain that screens the ark

13. the table for the holy bread the poles and all of the articles for the table the holy bread

14. the lampstand for light and everything that is used with it the lamps and the olive oil that gives light

15. the altar for burning incense the poles for the altar the anointing oil the sweet-smelling incense the curtain for the entrance to the holy tent

Read complete chapter Exodus 35