Old Testament

New Testament

Deuteronomy 22:1-11 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

1. Suppose you see your neighbor's ox or sheep wandering away. Then don't act as if you didn't see it. Instead, make sure you take it back to him.

2. Your neighbor might not live near you. Or you might not know who he is. Then take the animal home with you. Keep it until he comes looking for it. Then give it back.

3. Do the same thing if you find his donkey, coat or anything he loses. Don't act as if you didn't see it.

4. Suppose you see your neighbor's donkey or ox that has fallen down on the road. Then don't act as if you didn't see it. Help him get it up on its feet again.

5. A woman must not wear men's clothes. And a man must not wear women's clothes. The Lord your God hates it when anyone does that.

6. Suppose you happen to find a bird's nest beside the road. It might be in a tree or on the ground. And suppose the mother bird is sitting on her little birds or on the eggs. Then don't take the mother along with the little ones.

7. You can take the little ones. But make sure you let the mother go. Then things will go well with you. You will live for a long time.

8. If you build a new house, put a low wall around the edge of your roof. Then you won't be held accountable if someone falls off your roof and dies.

9. Don't plant two kinds of seeds in your vineyard. If you do, the crops you grow there will be polluted. Your grapes will also be polluted.

10. Don't let an ox and a donkey pull the same plow together.

11. Don't wear clothes made of wool and linen that are woven together.

Read complete chapter Deuteronomy 22