Old Testament

New Testament

2 Samuel 19:27-41 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

27. He has told you lies about me. King David, you are like an angel of God. So do what pleases you.

28. You should have put all of the members of my grandfather's family to death, including me. Instead, you always provided what I needed. So what right do I have to make any more appeals to you?"

29. The king said to him, "You don't have to say anything else. I order you and Ziba to divide up Saul's fields between you."

30. Mephibosheth said to the king, "I'm happy that you have arrived home safely. So just let Ziba have everything."

31. Barzillai had also come down to go across the Jordan River with the king. He wanted to send the king on his way from there. Barzillai was from Rogelim in the land of Gilead.

32. He was a very old man. He was 80 years old. He had given the king everything he needed while the king was staying in Mahanaim. That's because Barzillai was very wealthy.

33. The king said to Barzillai, "Come across the river with me. Stay with me in Jerusalem. I'll take good care of you."

34. But Barzillai said to the king, "I won't live for many more years. So why should I go up to Jerusalem with you?

35. I'm already 80 years old. I can hardly tell the difference between what is good and what isn't. I can hardly taste what I eat and drink. I can't even hear the voices of male and female singers anymore. So why should I add my problems to yours?

36. "I'll go across the Jordan River with you for a little way. Why should you reward me by taking care of me?

37. Let me go back home. Then I can die in my own town. I can be buried there in the tomb of my father and mother. But let Kimham take my place. Let him go across the river with you. Do for him what pleases you."

38. The king said, "Kimham will go across with me. I'll do for him what pleases you. And I'll do for you anything you want me to do."

39. So all of the people went across the Jordan River. Then the king crossed over. The king kissed Barzillai and gave him his blessing. And Barzillai went back home.

40. After the king had gone across the river, he went to Gilgal. Kimham had gone across with him. All of the troops of Judah and half of the troops of Israel had taken the king across.

41. Soon all of the men of Israel were coming to the king. They were saying to him, "Why did the men of Judah take you away from us? They are our relatives. What right did they have to bring you and your family across the Jordan River? What right did they have to bring all of your men over with you?"

Read complete chapter 2 Samuel 19