Old Testament

New Testament

1 Samuel 17:1-9 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

1. The Philistines gathered their army together for war. They came to Socoh in Judah. They set up camp at Ephes Dammim. It was between Socoh and Azekah.

2. Saul and the army of Israel gathered together. They camped in the Valley of Elah. They lined up their men to fight against the Philistines.

3. The Philistine army was camped on one hill. Israel's army was on another. The valley was between them.

4. A mighty hero named Goliath came out of the Philistine camp. He was from Gath. He was more than nine feet tall.

5. He had a bronze helmet on his head. He wore a coat of bronze armor. It weighed 125 pounds.

6. On his legs he wore bronze guards. He carried a bronze javelin on his back.

7. His spear was as big as a weaver's rod. Its iron point weighed 15 pounds. The man who carried his shield walked along in front of him.

8. Goliath stood and shouted to the soldiers of Israel. He said, "Why do you come out and line up for battle? I'm a Philistine. You are servants of Saul. Choose one of your men. Have him come down and face me.

9. If he's able to fight and kill me, we'll become your slaves. But if I win and kill him, you will become our slaves and serve us."

Read complete chapter 1 Samuel 17