Old Testament

New Testament

1 Kings 20:23-29 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

23. During that time, the officials of the king of Aram gave him advice. They said, "The gods of Israel are gods of the hills. That's why they were too strong for us. But suppose we fight them on the flatlands. Then we'll certainly be stronger than they are.

24. "Here's what you should do. Don't let any of the kings continue as military leaders. Have other officers take their places.

25. You must also put another army together. It should be just like the one you lost. It should have the same number of horses and chariots. Then we'll be able to fight against Israel on the flatlands. And we'll certainly be stronger than they are." Ben-Hadad agreed with their advice. He did what they suggested.

26. The next spring Ben-Hadad brought together the men of Aram. They went up to the city of Aphek to fight against Israel.

27. The men of Israel were also brought together. They were given supplies. They marched out to fight against their enemies. Israel's army camped across from Aram's army. The men of Israel looked like two small flocks of goats that had become separated from the others. But the men of Aram covered the countryside.

28. The man of God came up to the king of Israel again. He told him, "The Lord says, 'The men of Aram think I am a god of the hills. They do not think I am a god of the valleys. So I will hand their huge army over to you. Then you will know that I am the Lord.' "

29. For seven days the two armies camped across from each other. On the seventh day the battle began. The men of Israel wounded or killed 100,000 Aramean soldiers on foot. That happened in a single day.

Read complete chapter 1 Kings 20