Old Testament

New Testament

1 Chronicles 29:20-29 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

20. Then David spoke to the whole community. He said, "Praise the Lord your God." So all of them praised the Lord. He's the God of their people who lived long ago. The whole community bowed low. They fell down flat with their faces toward the ground. They did it in front of the Lord and the king.

21. The next day they offered sacrifices to the Lord. They brought burnt offerings to him. They sacrificed 1,000 bulls, 1,000 rams and 1,000 male lambs. They also brought the required drink offerings. And they offered many other sacrifices for the whole community of Israel.

22. They ate and drank with great joy that day. They did it in the sight of the Lord. Then they announced a second time that Solomon was king. He was the son of David. They anointed Solomon to be ruler in the sight of the Lord. They also anointed Zadok to be priest.

23. So Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord. He ruled as king in place of his father David. Things went well with him. All of the people of Israel obeyed him.

24. All of the officers and mighty men promised to be completely faithful to King Solomon. So did all of King David's sons.

25. The Lord greatly honored Solomon in the sight of all of the people. He gave him royal majesty. Solomon was given more glory than any king over Israel had ever had.

26. David was king over the whole nation of Israel. He was the son of Jesse.

27. He ruled over Israel for 40 years. He ruled for seven years in Hebron and for 33 years in Jerusalem.

28. He died when he was very old. He had enjoyed a long life. He had enjoyed wealth and honor. His son Solomon became the next king after him.

29. The events of King David's rule from beginning to end are written down. They are written in the records of the prophets Samuel, Nathan and Gad.

Read complete chapter 1 Chronicles 29