Old Testament

New Testament

Mark 1:32-44 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

32. That evening after sunset, the people brought to Jesus all who were sick. They also brought all who were controlled by demons.

33. All the people in town gathered at the door.

34. Jesus healed many of them. They had all kinds of sicknesses. He also drove out many demons. But he would not let the demons speak, because they knew who he was.

35. It was very early in the morning and still dark. Jesus got up and left the house. He went to a place where he could be alone. There he prayed.

36. Simon and his friends went to look for Jesus.

37. When they found him, they called out, "Everyone is looking for you!"

38. Jesus replied, "Let's go somewhere else. I want to go to the nearby towns. I must preach there also. That is why I have come."

39. So he traveled all around Galilee. He preached in their synagogues. He also drove out demons.

40. A man who had a skin disease came to Jesus. On his knees he begged Jesus. He said, "If you are willing to make me 'clean,' you can do it."

41. Jesus was filled with deep concern. He reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing to do it," he said. "Be 'clean'!"

42. Right away the disease left him. He was healed.

43. Jesus sent him away at once. He gave the man a strong warning.

44. "Don't tell this to anyone," he said. "Go and show yourself to the priest. Offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded. It will be a witness to the priest and the people that you are 'clean.' "

Read complete chapter Mark 1