Old Testament

New Testament

Luke 6:39-48 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

39. Jesus also gave them another example. He asked, "Can a blind person lead another blind person? Won't they both fall into a pit?

40. Students are not better than their teachers. But everyone who is completely trained will be like his teacher.

41. "You look at the bit of sawdust in your friend's eye. But you pay no attention to the piece of wood in your own eye.

42. How can you say to your friend, 'Let me take the bit of sawdust out of your eye'? How can you say this while there is a piece of wood in your own eye? You pretender! First take the piece of wood out of your own eye. Then you will be able to see clearly to take the bit of sawdust out of your friend's eye.

43. "A good tree doesn't bear bad fruit. And a bad tree doesn't bear good fruit.

44. You can tell each tree by the kind of fruit it bears. People do not pick figs from thorns. And they don't pick grapes from bushes.

45. "A good man says good things. These come from the good that is put away in his heart. An evil man says evil things. These come from the evil that is put away in his heart. Their mouths say everything that is in their hearts.

46. "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and still don't do what I say?

47. Some people come to me and listen to me and do what I say. I will show you what they are like.

48. They are like someone who builds a house. He digs down deep and sets it on solid rock. When a flood comes, the river rushes against the house. But the water can't shake it. The house is well built.

Read complete chapter Luke 6