Old Testament

New Testament

Acts 2:1-8 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)

1. The day of Pentecost came. The believers all gathered in one place.

2. Suddenly a sound came from heaven. It was like a strong wind blowing. It filled the whole house where they were sitting.

3. They saw something that looked like tongues of fire. The flames separated and settled on each of them.

4. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to speak in languages they had not known before. The Spirit gave them the ability to do this.

5. Godly Jews from every country in the world were staying in Jerusalem.

6. A crowd came together when they heard the sound. They were bewildered because they each heard the believers speaking in their own language.

7. The crowd was really amazed. They asked, "Aren't all these people from Galilee?

8. Why, then, do we each hear them speaking in our own native language?

Read complete chapter Acts 2