Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 107:27-40 New English Translation (NET)

27. They swayed and staggered like a drunk,and all their skill proved ineffective.

28. They cried out to the Lord in their distress;he delivered them from their troubles.

29. He calmed the storm,and the waves grew silent.

30. The sailors rejoiced because the waves grew quiet,and he led them to the harbor they desired.

31. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his loyal love,and for the amazing things he has done for people!

32. Let them exalt him in the assembly of the people!Let them praise him in the place where the leaders preside!

33. He turned streams into a desert,springs of water into arid land,

34. and a fruitful land into a barren place,because of the sin of its inhabitants.

35. As for his people, he turned a desert into a pool of water,and a dry land into springs of water.

36. He allowed the hungry to settle there,and they established a city in which to live.

37. They cultivated fields,and planted vineyards,which yielded a harvest of fruit.

38. He blessed them so that they became very numerous.He would not allow their cattle to decrease in number.

39. As for their enemies, they decreased in number and were beaten down,because of painful distress and suffering.

40. He would pour contempt upon princes,and he made them wander in a wasteland with no road.

Read complete chapter Psalms 107