Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 26:19-28 New English Translation (NET)

19. so is a person who deceives his neighbor,and says, “Was I not only joking?”

20. Where there is no wood, a fire goes out,and where there is no gossip, contention ceases.

21. Like charcoal is to burning coals, and wood to fire,so is a contentious person to kindle strife.

22. The words of a gossip are like delicious morsels;they go down into a person’s innermost being.

23. Like a coating of glaze over earthenwareare fervent lips with an evil heart.

24. The one who hates others disguises it with his lips,but he stores up deceit within him.

25. When he speaks graciously, do not believe him,for there are seven abominations within him.

26. Though his hatred may be concealed by deceit,his evil will be uncovered in the assembly.

27. The one who digs a pit will fall into it;the one who rolls a stone – it will come back on him.

28. A lying tongue hates those crushed by it,and a flattering mouth works ruin.

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