Old Testament

New Testament

Nehemiah 7:53-64 New English Translation (NET)

53. the descendants of Bakbuk, the descendants of Hakupha, the descendants of Harhur,

54. the descendants of Bazluth, the descendants of Mehida, the descendants of Harsha,

55. the descendants of Barkos, the descendants of Sisera, the descendants of Temah,

56. the descendants of Neziah, the descendants of Hatipha.

57. The descendants of the servants of Solomon: the descendants of Sotai, the descendants of Sophereth, the descendants of Perida,

58. the descendants of Jaala, the descendants of Darkon, the descendants of Giddel,

59. the descendants of Shephatiah, the descendants of Hattil, the descendants of Pokereth-Hazzebaim, and the descendants of Amon.

60. All the temple servants and the descendants of the servants of Solomon, 392.

61. These are the ones who came up from Tel Melah, Tel Harsha, Kerub, Addon, and Immer (although they were unable to certify their family connection or their ancestry, as to whether they were really from Israel):

62. the descendants of Delaiah, the descendants of Tobiah, and the descendants of Nekoda, 642.

63. And from among the priests: the descendants of Hobaiah, the descendants of Hakkoz, and the descendants of Barzillai (who had married a woman from the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite and was called by that name).

64. They searched for their records in the genealogical materials, but none were found. They were therefore excluded from the priesthood.

Read complete chapter Nehemiah 7