Old Testament

New Testament

Nahum 2:1-4 New English Translation (NET)

1. (2:2) The watchmen of Nineveh shout:“An enemy who will scatter you is marching out to attack you!”“Guard the rampart! Watch the road!Prepare yourselves for battle! Muster your mighty strength!”

2. For the Lord will restore the majesty of Jacob,as well as the majesty of Israel,though their enemies have plundered themand have destroyed their fields.

3. The shields of his warriors are dyed red;the mighty soldiers are dressed in scarlet garments.The metal fittings of the chariots shine like fire on the day of battle;the soldiers brandish their spears.

4. The chariots race madly through the streets,they rush back and forth in the broad plazas;they look like lightning bolts,they dash here and there like flashes of lightning.

Read complete chapter Nahum 2