Old Testament

New Testament

Lamentations 4:5-17 New English Translation (NET)

5. Those who once feasted on delicaciesare now starving to death in the streets.Those who grew up wearing expensive clothesare now dying amid garbage.ו (Vav)

6. The punishment of my peopleexceeded that of of Sodom,which was overthrown in a momentwith no one to help her. ז (Zayin)

7. Her consecrated ones were brighter than snow,whiter than milk;their bodies more ruddy than corals,their hair like lapis lazuli.ח (Khet)

8. Now their appearance is darker than soot;they are not recognized in the streets.Their skin has shriveled on their bones;it is dried up, like tree bark.ט (Tet)

9. Those who died by the sword are better offthan those who die of hunger,those who waste away,struck down from lack of food.י (Yod)

10. The hands of tenderhearted womencooked their own children,who became their food,when my people were destroyed.כ (Kaf)

11. The Lord fully vented his wrath;he poured out his fierce anger.He started a fire in Zion;it consumed her foundations.ל (Lamed)

12. Neither the kings of the earthnor the people of the lands ever thoughtthat enemy or foe would enterthe gates of Jerusalem.מ (Mem)

13. But it happened due to the sins of her prophetsand the iniquities of her priests,who poured out in her midstthe blood of the righteous.נ (Nun)

14. They wander blindly through the streets,defiled by the blood they shed,while no one daresto touch their garments.ס (Samek)

15. People cry to them, “Turn away! You are unclean! Turn away! Turn away! Don’t touch us!”So they have fled and wander about;but the nations say, “They may not stay here any longer.”פ (Pe)

16. The Lord himself has scattered them;he no longer watches over them.They did not honor the priests;they did not show favor to the elders.ע (Ayin)

17. Our eyes continually failed usas we looked in vain for help.From our watchtowers we watched for a nation that could not rescue us.צ (Tsade)

Read complete chapter Lamentations 4