Old Testament

New Testament

Zechariah 14:7-16 New Century Version (NCV)

7. There will be no other day like it, and the Lord knows when it will come. There will be no day or night; even at evening it will still be light.

8. At that time fresh water will flow from Jerusalem. Half of it will flow east to the Dead Sea, and half will flow west to the Mediterranean Sea. It will flow summer and winter.

9. Then the Lord will be king over the whole world. At that time there will be only one Lord, and his name will be the only name.

10. All the land south of Jerusalem from Geba to Rimmon will be turned into a plain. Jerusalem will be raised up, but it will stay in the same place. The city will reach from the Benjamin Gate and to the First Gate to the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the king’s winepresses.

11. People will live there, and it will never be destroyed again. Jerusalem will be safe.

12. But the Lord will bring a terrible disease on the nations that fought against Jerusalem. Their flesh will rot away while they are still standing up. Their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.

13. At that time the Lord will cause panic. Everybody will grab his neighbor, and they will attack each other.

14. The people of Judah will fight in Jerusalem. And the wealth of the nations around them will be collected—much gold, silver, and clothes.

15. A similar disease will strike the horses, mules, camels, donkeys, and all the animals in the camps.

16. All of those left alive of the people who came to fight Jerusalem will come back to Jerusalem year after year to worship the King, the Lord All-Powerful, and to celebrate the Feast of Shelters.

Read complete chapter Zechariah 14