Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 107:1-11 New Century Version (NCV)

1. Thank the Lord because he is good.His love continues forever.

2. That is what those whom the Lord has saved should say.He has saved them from the enemy

3. and has gathered them from other lands,from east and west, north and south.

4. Some people had wandered in the desert lands.They found no city in which to live.

5. They were hungry and thirsty,and they were discouraged.

6. In their misery they cried out to the Lord,and he saved them from their troubles.

7. He led them on a straight roadto a city where they could live.

8. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his loveand for the miracles he does for people.

9. He satisfies the thirstyand fills up the hungry.

10. Some sat in gloom and darkness;they were prisoners suffering in chains.

11. They had turned against the words of Godand had refused the advice of God Most High.

Read complete chapter Psalms 107