Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 18:27-32 New Century Version (NCV)

27. I will accept your offering just as much as I accept the offerings from others, who give new grain or new wine.

28. In this way you will present an offering to the Lord as the other Israelites do. When you receive a tenth from the Israelites, you will give a tenth of that to Aaron, the priest, as the Lord’s share.

29. Choose the best and holiest part from what you are given as the portion you must give to the Lord.’

30. “Say to the Levites: ‘When you present the best, it will be accepted as much as the grain and wine from the other people.

31. You and your families may eat all that is left anywhere, because it is your pay for your work in the Meeting Tent.

32. And if you always give the best part to the Lord, you will never be guilty. If you do not sin against the holy offerings of the Israelites, you will not die.’ ”

Read complete chapter Numbers 18