Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 15:6-26 New Century Version (NCV)

6. “ ‘If you are giving a male sheep, also prepare a grain offering of four quarts of fine flour mixed with one and one-fourth quarts of olive oil.

7. Also prepare one and one-fourth quarts of wine as a drink offering. Its smell will be pleasing to the Lord.

8. “ ‘If you prepare a young bull as a burnt offering or sacrifice, whether it is for a special promise or a fellowship offering to the Lord,

9. bring a grain offering with the bull. It should be six quarts of fine flour mixed with two quarts of olive oil.

10. Also bring two quarts of wine as a drink offering. This offering is made by fire, and its smell will be pleasing to the Lord.

11. Prepare each bull or male sheep, lamb or young goat this way.

12. Do this for every one of the animals you bring.

13. “ ‘All citizens must do these things in this way, and the smell of their offerings by fire will be pleasing to the Lord.

14. From now on if foreigners who live among you want to make offerings by fire so the smell will be pleasing to the Lord, they must offer them the same way you do.

15. The law is the same for you and for foreigners, and it will be from now on; you and the foreigners are alike before the Lord.

16. The teachings and rules are the same for you and for the foreigners among you.’ ”

17. The Lord said to Moses,

18. “Tell the Israelites: ‘You are going to another land, where I am taking you.

19. When you eat the food there, offer part of it to the Lord.

20. Offer a loaf of bread from the first of your grain, which will be your offering from the threshing floor.

21. From now on offer to the Lord the first part of your grain.

22. “ ‘Now what if you forget to obey any of these commands the Lord gave Moses?

23. These are the Lord’s commands given to you through Moses, which began the day the Lord gave them to you and will continue from now on.

24. If the people forget to obey one of these commands, all the people must offer a young bull as a burnt offering, a smell pleasing to the Lord. By law you must also give the grain offering and the drink offering with it, and you must bring a male goat as a sin offering.

25. “ ‘The priest will remove that sin for all the Israelites so they will belong to the Lord. They are forgiven, because they didn’t know they were sinning. For the wrong they did they brought offerings to the Lord, an offering by fire and a sin offering.

26. So all of the people of Israel and the foreigners living among them will be forgiven. No one meant to do wrong.

Read complete chapter Numbers 15