Old Testament

New Testament

Job 7:1-12 New Century Version (NCV)

1. “People have a hard task on earth,and their days are like those of a laborer.

2. They are like a slave wishing for the evening shadows,like a laborer waiting to be paid.

3. But I am given months that are empty,and nights of misery have been given to me.

4. When I lie down, I think, ‘How long until I get up?’The night is long, and I toss until dawn.

5. My body is covered with worms and scabs,and my skin is broken and full of sores.

6. “My days go by faster than a weaver’s tool,and they come to an end without hope.

7. Remember, God, that my life is only a breath.My eyes will never see happy times again.

8. Those who see me now will see me no more;you will look for me, but I will be gone.

9. As a cloud disappears and is gone,people go to the grave and never return.

10. They will never come back to their houses again,and their places will not know them anymore.

11. “So I will not stay quiet;I will speak out in the suffering of my spirit.I will complain because I am so unhappy.

12. I am not the sea or the sea monster.So why have you set a guard over me?

Read complete chapter Job 7