Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 31:27-33 New Century Version (NCV)

27. The Lord says, “The time is coming when I will help the families of Israel and Judah and their children and animals to grow.

28. In the past I watched over Israel and Judah, to pull them up and tear them down, to destroy them and bring them disaster. But now I will watch over them to build them up and make them strong,” says the Lord.

29. “At that time people will no longer say:‘The parents have eaten sour grapes,and that caused the children to grind their teeth from the sour taste.’

30. Instead, each person will die for his own sin; the person who eats sour grapes will grind his own teeth.

31. “Look, the time is coming,” says the Lord,“when I will make a new agreementwith the people of Israeland the people of Judah.

32. It will not be like the agreementI made with their ancestorswhen I took them by the handto bring them out of Egypt.I was a husband to them,but they broke that agreement,” says the Lord.

33. “This is the agreement I will makewith the people of Israel at that time,” says the Lord:“I will put my teachings in their mindsand write them on their hearts.I will be their God,and they will be my people.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 31