Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 2:7-24 New Century Version (NCV)

7. I brought you into a fertile landso you could eat its fruit and produce.But you came and made my land unclean;you made it a hateful place.

8. The priests didn’t ask,‘Where is the Lord?’The people who know the teachings didn’t know me.The leaders turned against me.The prophets prophesied in the name of Baaland worshiped useless idols.

9. “So now I will again tell what I have against you,” says the Lord.“And I will tell what I have against your grandchildren.

10. Go across the sea to the island of Cyprus and see.Send someone to the land of Kedar to look closely.See if there has ever been anything like this.

11. Has a nation ever exchanged its gods?(Of course, its gods are not really gods at all.)But my people have exchanged their glorious Godfor idols worth nothing.

12. Skies, be shocked at the things that have happenedand shake with great fear!” says the Lord.

13. “My people have done two evils:They have turned away from me,the spring of living water.And they have dug their own wells,which are broken wells that cannot hold water.

14. Have the people of Israel become slaves?Have they become like someone who was born a slave?Why were they taken captive?

15. Enemies have roared like lions at Israel;they have growled at Israel.They have destroyed the land of Israel.The cities of Israel lie in ruins,and all the people have left.

16. The men from the cities of Memphis and Tahpanheshave disgraced you by shaving the top of your head.

17. Haven’t you brought this on yourselvesby turning away from the Lord your Godwhen he was leading you in the right way?

18. It did not help to go to Egyptand drink from the Shihor River.It did not help to go to Assyriaand drink from the Euphrates River.

19. Your evil will bring punishment to you,and the wrong you have done will teach you a lesson.Think about it and understandthat it is a terrible evil to turn away from the Lord your God.It is wrong not to fear me,”says the Lord God All-Powerful.

20. “Long ago you refused to obey me as an ox breaks its yoke.You broke the ropes I used to hold youand said, ‘I will not serve you!’In fact, on every high hilland under every green treeyou lay down as a prostitute.

21. But I planted you as a special vine,as a very good seed.How then did you turninto a wild vine that grows bad fruit?

22. Although you wash yourself with cleanserand use much soap,I can still see the stain of your guilt,” says the Lord God.

23. “How can you say to me, ‘I am not guilty.I have not worshiped the Baal idols’?Look at the things you did in the valley.Think about what you have done.You are like a she-camel in mating seasonthat runs from place to place.

24. You are like a wild donkey that lives in the desertand sniffs the wind at mating time.At that time who can hold her back?Any male who chases her will easily catch her;at mating time, it is easy to find her.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 2