Old Testament

New Testament

Ezekiel 27:2-9 New Century Version (NCV)

2. “Human, sing a funeral song for the city of Tyre.

3. Speak to Tyre, which has ports for the Mediterranean Sea and is a place for trade for the people of many lands along the seacoast. ‘This is what the Lord God says:Tyre, you have said,“I am like a beautiful ship.”

4. You were at home on the high seas.Your builders made your beauty perfect.

5. They made all your boardsof fir trees from Mount Hermon.They took a cedar tree from Lebanonto make a ship’s mast for you.

6. They made your oarsfrom oak trees from Bashan.They made your deckfrom cypress trees from the coast of Cyprusand set ivory into it.

7. Your sail of linen with designs sewed on it came from Egyptand became like a flag for you.Your cloth shades over the deck were blue and purpleand came from the island of Cyprus.

8. Men from Sidon and Arvad used oars to row you.Tyre, your skilled men were the sailors on your deck.

9. Workers of Byblos were with you,putting caulk in your ship’s seams.All the ships of the sea and their sailorscame alongside to trade with you.

Read complete chapter Ezekiel 27