Old Testament

New Testament

1 Chronicles 12:4-11 New Century Version (NCV)

4. And there was Ishmaiah from the town of Gibeon; he was one of the Thirty. In fact, he was the leader of the Thirty. There were Jeremiah, Jahaziel, Johanan, and Jozabad from Gederah.

5. There were Eluzai, Jerimoth, Bealiah, and Shemariah. There was Shephatiah from Haruph.

6. There were Elkanah, Isshiah, Azarel, Joezer, and Jashobeam from the family group of Korah.

7. And there were Joelah and Zebadiah, the sons of Jeroham, from the town of Gedor.

8. Part of the people of Gad joined David at his stronghold in the desert. They were brave warriors trained for war and skilled with shields and spears. They were as fierce as lions and as fast as gazelles over the hills.

9. Ezer was the leader of Gad’s army, and Obadiah was second in command. Eliab was third,

10. Mishmannah was fourth, Jeremiah was fifth,

11. Attai was sixth, Eliel was seventh,

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