Old Testament

New Testament

Galatians 6:6-14 New Century Version (NCV)

6. Anyone who is learning the teaching of God should share all the good things he has with his teacher.

7. Do not be fooled: You cannot cheat God. People harvest only what they plant.

8. If they plant to satisfy their sinful selves, their sinful selves will bring them ruin. But if they plant to please the Spirit, they will receive eternal life from the Spirit.

9. We must not become tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time if we do not give up.

10. When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. But we should give special attention to those who are in the family of believers.

11. See what large letters I use to write this myself.

12. Some people are trying to force you to be circumcised so the Jews will accept them. They are afraid they will be attacked if they follow only the cross of Christ.

13. Those who are circumcised do not obey the law themselves, but they want you to be circumcised so they can brag about what they forced you to do.

14. I hope I will never brag about things like that. The cross of our Lord Jesus Christ is my only reason for bragging. Through the cross of Jesus my world was crucified, and I died to the world.

Read complete chapter Galatians 6