Old Testament

New Testament

Genesis 34:2-18 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

2. When Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, the prince of the land, saw her, he took her and lay with her by force.

3. He was deeply attracted to Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved the girl and spoke tenderly to her.

4. So Shechem spoke to his father Hamor, saying, "Get me this young girl for a wife."

5. Now Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah his daughter; but his sons were with his livestock in the field, so Jacob kept silent until they came in.

6. Then Hamor the father of Shechem went out to Jacob to speak with him.

7. Now the sons of Jacob came in from the field when they heard it; and the men were grieved, and they were very angry because he had done a disgraceful thing in Israel by lying with Jacob's daughter, for such a thing ought not to be done.

8. But Hamor spoke with them, saying, "The soul of my son Shechem longs for your daughter; please give her to him in marriage.

9. Intermarry with us; give your daughters to us and take our daughters for yourselves.

10. Thus you shall live with us, and the land shall be open before you; live and trade in it and acquire property in it."

11. Shechem also said to her father and to her brothers, "If I find favor in your sight, then I will give whatever you say to me.

12. Ask me ever so much bridal payment and gift, and I will give according as you say to me; but give me the girl in marriage."

13. But Jacob's sons answered Shechem and his father Hamor with deceit, because he had defiled Dinah their sister.

14. They said to them, "We cannot do this thing, to give our sister to one who is uncircumcised, for that would be a disgrace to us.

15. Only on this condition will we consent to you: if you will become like us, in that every male of you be circumcised,

16. then we will give our daughters to you, and we will take your daughters for ourselves, and we will live with you and become one people.

17. But if you will not listen to us to be circumcised, then we will take our daughter and go."

18. Now their words seemed reasonable to Hamor and Shechem, Hamor's son.

Read complete chapter Genesis 34