Old Testament

New Testament

Luke 8:17-22 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

17. For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.

18. So take care how you listen; for whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him."

19. And His mother and brothers came to Him, and they were unable to get to Him because of the crowd.

20. And it was reported to Him, "Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, wishing to see You."

21. But He answered and said to them, "My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it."

22. Now on one of those days Jesus and His disciples got into a boat, and He said to them, "Let us go over to the other side of the lake." So they launched out.

Read complete chapter Luke 8