Old Testament

New Testament

Wisdom 4:13-20 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

13. Having become perfect in a short while,he reached the fullness of a long career;

14. for his soul was pleasing to the Lord,therefore he sped him out of the midst of wickedness.But the people saw and did not understand,nor did they take that consideration into account.

16. Yes, the righteous one who has died will condemnthe sinful who live;And youth, swiftly completed, will condemnthe many years of the unrighteous who have grown old.

17. For they will see the death of the wise oneand will not understand what the Lord intended,or why he kept him safe.

18. They will see, and hold him in contempt;but the Lord will laugh them to scorn.

19. And they shall afterward become dishonored corpsesand an unceasing mockery among the dead.For he shall strike them down speechless and prostrateand rock them to their foundations;They shall be utterly laid wasteand shall be in griefand their memory shall perish.

20. Fearful shall they come, at the counting up of their sins,and their lawless deeds shall convict them to their face.

Read complete chapter Wisdom 4