Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 66:1-13 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

1. For the leader. A song; a psalm.

2. Shout joyfully to God, all the earth;sing of his glorious name;give him glorious praise.

3. Say to God: “How awesome your deeds!Before your great strength your enemies cringe.

4. All the earth falls in worship before you;they sing of you, sing of your name!”Selah

5. Come and see the works of God,awesome in deeds before the children of Adam.

6. He changed the sea to dry land;through the river they passed on foot.There we rejoiced in him,

7. who rules by his might forever,His eyes are fixed upon the nations.Let no rebel rise to challenge!Selah

8. Bless our God, you peoples;loudly sound his praise,

9. Who has kept us aliveand not allowed our feet to slip.

10. You tested us, O God,tried us as silver tried by fire.

11. You led us into a snare;you bound us at the waist as captives.

12. You let captors set foot on our neck;we went through fire and water;then you led us out to freedom.

13. I will bring burnt offerings to your house;to you I will fulfill my vows,

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