Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 31:13-21 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

13. I am forgotten, out of mind like the dead;I am like a worn-out tool.

14. I hear the whispers of the crowd;terrors are all around me.They conspire together against me;they plot to take my life.

15. But I trust in you, Lord;I say, “You are my God.”

16. My destiny is in your hands;rescue me from my enemies,from the hands of my pursuers.

17. Let your face shine on your servant;save me in your mercy.

18. Do not let me be put to shame,for I have called to you, Lord.Put the wicked to shame;reduce them to silence in Sheol.

19. Strike dumb their lying lips,which speak arrogantly against the righteousin contempt and scorn.

20. How great is your goodness, Lord,stored up for those who fear you.You display it for those who trust you,in the sight of the children of Adam.

21. You hide them in the shelter of your presence,safe from scheming enemies.You conceal them in your tent,away from the strife of tongues.

Read complete chapter Psalms 31