Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 12:1-18 New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)

1. Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,but whoever hates reproof is stupid.

2. A good person wins favor from the Lord,but the schemer he condemns.

3. No one is made secure by wickedness,but the root of the just will never be disturbed.

4. A woman of worth is the crown of her husband,but a disgraceful one is like rot in his bones.

5. The plans of the just are right;the designs of the wicked are deceit.

6. The words of the wicked are a deadly ambush,but the speech of the upright saves them.

7. Overthrow the wicked and they are no more,but the house of the just stands firm.

8. For their good sense people are praised,but the perverse of heart are despised.

9. Better to be slighted and have a servantthan put on airs and lack bread.

10. The just take care of their livestock,but the compassion of the wicked is cruel.

11. Those who till their own land have food in plenty,but those who engage in idle pursuits lack sense.

12. A wicked person desires the catch of evil people,but the root of the righteous will bear fruit.

13. By the sin of their lips the wicked are ensnared,but the just escape from a tight spot.

14. From the fruit of their mouths people have their fill of good,and the works of their hands come back upon them.

15. The way of fools is right in their own eyes,but those who listen to advice are the wise.

16. Fools immediately show their anger,but the shrewd conceal contempt.

17. Whoever speaks honestly testifies truly,but the deceitful make lying witnesses.

18. The babble of some people is like sword thrusts,but the tongue of the wise is healing.

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